Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The road to real.

moving on from the past is probably one of the hardest things to let go of, especially when you are so fond of it. but, i have learned a few things though:

-keep focusing of the bigger picture: pursuing God's kingdom, your passions, your goals; taking note of what makes you stumble and recognize you decided to be selfish instead of selfless. i hate when that happens.

-letting God transform you to loving others more than yourself. by being jesus' hands and feet is healing.

-the past has made you stronger and more capable of overcoming obstacles in the future.

-that tears bring me to my knees, and they aren't signs of weakness but signs of strength and restoration to the one who created me.

-we all have shit that needs to be forgiven and to look at myself before I judge others.

-Once you change your ways and mindset to things above, God will speak through you so His light will shine.

-You will have days of reminiscing and temptation that may knock louder once you give it up to God.

I can sit here pondering about a million things, but find myself only thinking about one. that one thing is a separation from God I encountered. God doesn't cause guilt, so my guilt is from Satan, and Satan is really good at guilt tripping me. eff that, Satan you suck. hello God, thank you for your patience with me though I treat you like dirt sometimes. God, please continue pouring truth in my life, so i can see, speak, and hear only that is of you. help me let go, keep being passionate about these amazing opportunities arising, and keep trusting in you. Forgive me for my ways. AMEN.

Psalms 25: D not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good.