Tuesday, May 12, 2009

my day in a Jiffy

so I'm trying this new thing called patience...so when I'm driving by myself if I am behind a slow car my instinct reaction would be to drive around the person, but instead I am now staying behind the person(s). so far it sucks haha but hopefully I'll get there.

Well, today was another beautiful sunny day, with the sunshine waking me up as it rays over my skin get brighter and brighter as they stretch up to my eyelids seeping through my eyelids to the cornea as its brightness blinds me when I finally open my eyes.

Too bad it was my alarm that woke me up as always. Today was a good day. I woke up at 10:30am and just laid in my cozy sheets for probably 20 minutes or so pondering and thinking about an array of thoughts and feelings of life and where I am right now. I finally get up and decide I should start getting ready for my 11:45 class (Psychology). Sitting, in class today we are talking about conformity and why we all at some point eventually conform to our peers around us. We came to the conclusion of not wanting to be ridiculed or rejected as well as often times we look to our peers or people around us for answers if we are in a state or unsureness. OK honestly..today in pscyh I wasn't really paying too much attention because I was tired and so that's all that I got out of class.

After I got called into work...I told them I could only stay for 3 hours. SO there I am at work making some drinks, laughing super loud, and just having a blast..but that three hours when by super fast..so I'm not going to lie leaving was a bit sad today because it's almost like I wanted to stay longer..ewe what? cute huh?

I left and went to Ohlone to help out with a workshop they put on for incoming people who may attend community college in the summer or fall or 09. Um so they asked me to be a leader for this so I said sure, but didn't even know what I was supposed to do. SO I get there 20 minutes early and they handed us these slide packets that we're supposed to go over with our group. SO that was that I got my group of highschoolers and started talking with them about PLAN A,B and C and transferring and goals etc. My group consisted of 5 people and they weren't very talkative but as the time progressed the opened up. THey were all super nice people and it shocked me that every single one knew what they wanted to do with life. THey knew what they wanted to major in!!!! I was thinking too myself, "WHAT?!?!? I just figured out my major!!" But I thought that was really awesome to see that these kids were thinking ahead for their future. The program ended and they got my number so if they had questions they could call. it was tyte.

After I hit up Bay Street and started on my 10 page paper that's due thursday. So far, I have my introductory paragraph and my outline. The outline which is what I worked on all tonight took me 3 hours to do and was exhausting but now that that's done with it seems like such a relief because now I know for sure about where and when I'm using what resources and material I've been collecting for the past couple months. I'm praying to God, I'm able to finish this paper by Tuesday night so I can edit on WEdnesday. After Bay street I crept home 12amishnerishner and made me a fruit salad.

Now here I find myself spoon filling some jiffy peanut butter into my mouth and blogging about life rather than finishing my sociology homework. yay for that...but really I need to finish it before 2 am at least so I think this is me simply saying good-bye, "GOODBYE."

Saturday, May 9, 2009


you know what I think is funny? how when people see you reading your bible they get all freaked out..as thought they don't know how to respond. for example on my break it was absolutely beautiful outside so I decided to stroll on outside for a little scripture reading and as I was reading two guys walked by and they were talking loud so I glimpsed up at them. They looked down only to see golden pages and quickly looked away and lowered their voices. I think it may be because they felt a sense of awkwardness..for some apparent reason? who knows. but that was and has been my observation for several years with public scripture reading.

Anywho, as I was reading I came across the verse found in Proverbs 16: 24 and I stopped and read it over and over again. The words I guess just lifted me up because they are so beautiful.
'Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.'

It stopped me in my readings I think also because lately at work I feel as though there's been a lot of tension. Everywhere I go I hear a complaint about somebody else or something that's not going right in the store it's a bit frustrating at times and I've been trying my best to keep away from I guess you could say "drama" that arouses throughout our store. As I read this verse continuously, I felt convicted and gush of feelings I had. So I was thinking and praying for a brief moment I decided to not stay away from this situation but instead encourage people at work and let them know they are appreciated. this verse is sick. cool GOd thanks for that.

Now for a quick little story. Earlier, after my psychology class I went home and was getting ready for work. As I was just chugging along around my house I tripped over our dog by accident. (honestly I don't even know where she came from. she popped up out of no where. WHATEVA) in doing so I dramatically fell diving into our kitchen chairs and abruptly hear a, 'RIPPP'. ok really? I ripped a hole in my pants and It was 1:40 and I had to be at work around 2 (it takes 15 minutes). ALRIGHT here's to yet another clumsy occurrence in my life. Sometimes, I think God looks at situations like these and just laughs. it was pretty funny though I guess if you like that sort of thing. Anyway, so after that traumatic experience I came to the conclusion that all I had time to do was to staple my pants together. So, I go over to my good ol' stapler friend and stapled my pants (which are btw the only work pants I own)back together...and that is that. Except one of the staplers became loose and left a scratch in the side of my thighs. i'm over it because now I have a legit scratch..so that's cool like apple sauce. peace out homies.