Saturday, April 25, 2009


So, today was oober fun. First off, I woke up at 9:30am (which on a Saturday is early) and went to 'Site For Sore Eyes' to get my eye check-up and get a new glasses prescription. My mom came with me, so we got some quality time together. After my eye appointment, the doctor prescribed me to a new set of glasses and told me that I am yet still far sited. surprise surprise. I got to choose out new frames which we got for super cheap thanks too working at starbucks and getting benefits such as eye insurance..(um eye insurance?) So, after that My mom and I both said farewell and left for home. When I got home, being tired and all I splashed some water against my face and started to get ready for the day. Daily routine, wash my face, brush the teeth, put some deodorant on etc.
At around 12 Aiesha and I had planned to go to Berkeley but we didn't end up going for some time. She arrived at my house around 12:20 and I was just taking my dear sweet time still. I was in a dress with boots a scarf and a jacket but decided to change due to the cold brisk air that decided to arrive on this lovely saturday. I then changed and we were headed out the door. As we headed out I realized I didn't know where my keys were so 10 minutes later still looking for the keys I checked in the one place that would make the most sense to purse...and there the keys were just chillin' no big deal. so finally we were off from my house. Being big coffee fans Aiesha and I started to detour off to the starbucks where I'm  currently employed at which is off of Automall and Boscell. We took a dare and decided to launch through the drive-thru and order(in the past having bad drive-thru experiences) and we suceeded to do so and got our drinks. We both were then told mysteriously that Mikee was working at In-n-out right across the street. So, we didn't want to cease the spontaneous detour we had already started so we drove on across to in-n-out where we found mikee in his drive thru taking orders. We said hello and talked a bit and said our good-byes. Finally Aiesha and I were off to the BART to Berkeley (i think around 1:40pmishner uhh).
Both being wired off coffee and our deluxe meal at in-n-out we were both pretty excited for our next adventure. We boarded on the train and had a mellow ride to hippie town. We then got off and headed straight to Telegraph Street, where in my head I was frantically asking myself if I wanted to get a piercing of some sort. (So, really side note I really want my lip pierced..or my nose pierced again but with a ring this time, and another cartilage..the thing is for work at good ol' starbucks we aren't allowed piercing on the face so the cuts out two. and I was reluctant for some reason on getting an ear piercing so I thought it best just to not. LAME.) After deciding not to, we went to the NORTHFACE OUTLET..ok I've been waiting to go to this store. and yes it's pretty cool..but honestly dood the jackets are still like 200 dollars..and I just don't have that kind of money to spend so sadly we both exited. Then, Urban Outfitters both of our main and next destiny, and ahh yes it is the typical where the majority of our day was spent(sadly) was fun, but yes it was also quite exhausting. We must of tried millions of things on there but in the end we both purchased maybe two things..(SALES RACK YES.)
Spending coutless hours in the store made us quite hungry and we both were really feeling some ethnic food so as we were walking (I swear there was a halo over the sign) we saw 'CURRY AND NAAN'! on snap nothing like some ethnic Indian cuisine. We sat down and stuffed our mouths with some delcious veggie curry, naan, and rice. After, we headed on over to BERKELEY'S Campus since the resturaunts bathroom was unavailable. When we entered onto the campus I started thinking, and then as I was going pee I started thinking harder, washing my hands even harder and then chilling outside the building even harder, gosh what an amazing community to live in(meaning like college community). After that we left Berkely after encountering two of Aiesha's friends we took BART home where we safely arrived in two solid pieces in FREMONT. We both said our good-byes to each other and I was left in my lonely house.
Today was super fun, spending it with a friend and going to a place with a different atmosphere, college setting, and just seeing all this different cultured faces around me was wonderful. When I got home though, I realized something from just that moment of walking onto the Berkeley campus that Maybe I will strive to attend a UC in the fall of 2010. I'll apply to probably UC Riverside since it has my major (global studies), as well has Oregon state, and whatever other options pop up in the next couple months.

Thanks God for keeping Aiesha and I safe today, thanks for the food and the opportunities like this we get to have on a daily basis, thank you for opening up my mind more today, and for aiesha's and my friendship.

Day well spent.

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